Friday, September 17, 2010

Yu-Gi-Oh 10th Anniversary(YAHOO!)

Hey, YuJaYu here! I'm blogging about the 10th anniversary of my favorite anime, Yu-Gi-Oh. 10 years ago(well, in April earlier this year), Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters aired in Japan for the first time on TV Tokyo. It ran for 5 seasons and had 224 episodes. It was adapted into an English version by 4Kids Entertainment, and aired for 5 years in America. It also released a movie called "The Pyramid of Light" for American theaters. Later, its spinoff, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX was released in October 2004 and it ran for 4 seasons(in America, 3) and had 180 episodes. Finally the newest spinoff, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's premiered in April 2008 and is still ongoing with 2 seasons and 129 episodes so far. All three of the series still air on Saturday morning television and that's not the best part! This January, in Japan, Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time was released in light of the 10th anniversary, the first ever Yu-Gi-Oh movie that featured all three main Yu-Gi-Oh protagonists at the same time. 4Kids Entertainment is currently producing an English version of the movie, set to be released in theaters in Spring 2011. Oh, great! Now I can't wait for this movie, too bad we all have to wait :-(. That's all for now, but I'll be posting more on the development of this movie, that's for sure! Bye now!

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